If you’re a blogger too then you probably know that the MAD Blog Awards are happening in London this Friday. And if you’re a regular reader then you’ll know that somehow I’ve made it into the final in the Best Baby Blog and Best Blog Photography categories! Eek.
I haven’t a chance of winning as I’m up against some truly inspirational writers and photographers but as I’ve known this all along, I’ll be going along for the party and to celebrate with the winners. It’s going to be fun.
I wanted to share a picture or two of what I look like and what I’ll be wearing in the hope that people will recognise me and say hello on the night! Do come over if you spot me – I’d love to meet each and every last one of you.
So this is me. Ignore the eyebrows – they’re being tamed on Friday morning. And I’ll probably do something a tad more ambitious with the face and the hair. But you get the idea.
And this is my dress. It’s an old Damsel in a Dress dress that I found in the back of my wardrobe and I love it. It feels super silky to the touch and it fits perfectly in all the right places. If you come over and want to stroke it, that’s fine. I’m a tactile kind of person. Especially after a glass of wine.
Do you like my dress? As they say, ‘Will I do?’
Are you coming to the MAD Blog Awards? If so, do you have your frock sorted?! Comment and tell me what you’re wearing!
You look lovely and that dress is gorgeous! Have a great night! x
ooh pretty! I’m wearing my one dress that fits and isn’t a black work dress. It’s cream with purple flowers and rather wedding guesty but it’s what I’ve got. But you’ll have no excuse for not spotting me because I have kick ass heels that make me about 6’4″ !!
You’re beautiful, Amber. What a lovely dress.
Simply stunning! The colours are perfect on you. Can’t wait to see you there. I was going to wear something I’d worn to the MADs before and then I found a 2nd hand dress for £10 which I love!
Gorgeous dress! Best of luck! I hope you have a fantastic time.
You look gorgeous! And I will just have to give you a stroke! 😉 My dress is really uninspired, but never mind. I can’t wait to meet you finally. x
I plan to touch your dress….????
Amber I will be looking out for you and I will be coming over to give you a big hug! Love the dress. I am wearing black with some bling! Haha. Se you Friday! Eek! xxx
Good luck, you look beautiful. I always think that the way a dress feels is just as important as it looks. Mine is quite tactile too 🙂 I’ll look out for you tomorrow but I’m quite shy until I’ve had a few 😉
Sorry I am only just catching up now! You look gorgeous huni, what an incredible dress x