Dear Vita,
Baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t take beautiful second birthday portraits like I did with your brothers and sisters, sorry that it took me almost a year to write your birthday note. It’s strange, really – you take up so much space in our lives; you are a dominant, compelling little force, a polestar around which, in school hours, we navigate. You are not an afterthought.
We love you so much. You are sunshine and laughter, a tiny storm in a teacup. You are all of your siblings’ best little friend and you love and look up to them so much as well. You are light and joy and a snuggle from you is restorative; you are often in somebody’s arms, kissing somebody, cuddling tight around our necks.
Vita, it’s only three weeks until your next birthday note is due so I’ll leave it here for now; I promise that your third birthday will have all of the celebration and ceremony that you deserve.
Love you lots and lots and lots,
Mummy xx