We’ve been in the hospital. Again.
Its been a bit of a miserable week. When we were first discharged from the maternity ward, they misrecorded us as going to the Special Baby Care Unit rather than home. That was on Friday. The community midwife was supposed to come and see us on Saturday, but didn’t because we hadn’t been officially discharged on their system. So we thought that they would come on Sunday, they didn’t.
I spent most of Monday morning on the telephone sorting things out and, to be fair, the sweetest community midwife did come to see us. She advised us that if our tiny Balthazar began to look any more yellow or to seem sleepy to the point of not being able to feed at all, to come back to the hospital. And he did both of these things on the Monday evening, so we did. Via Accident & Emergency.
He had lost eleven percent of his bodyweight. Nobody had noticed that his tongue tie prevented him from latching properly. He can take fifteen minutes to drink 10ml of milk from a bottle, so goodness knows how little he was taking from the breast. Our poor little baby suddenly seemed incredibly sick. On top of that, my supply has started to crash because he’s not eating – I seem to only be producing enough to feed one of my two infants.
We haven’t had a nice stay back on the postnatal ward. It’s been fairly hellish, and I lost count of the number of times the babies screamed with hunger because the midwives took hours to bring the breastpump, or donor milk. Yes – donor milk. I’ve always loved the concept, but that was when I had pictured myself as the donor. There is something devastating about somebody else feeding your child. It’s worse when you have to beg professionals to please remember to bring the milk this time, because you’ve had to ask three different people and it’s been over an hour and the babies are hysterical and the paediatricians will be unhappy if they don’t eat according to their feeding schedule.
But we’re all home now. I have a crappy little breastpump that is doing rather a good job, and tomorrow my hospital-grade Medela Symphony will be rocking up. I’m also going to try my hand at getting a prescription of domperidone from my GP. The boys still prefer my breastmilk, even if they don’t much enjoy the effort of sucking from the breast.
It’s a setback. It’s been frightening at times. I’ll admit that my devastation over my difficulty with breastfeeding is probably disproportionate but I hadn’t planned for any of this. I wanted to be the mummy that feeds the babies; I’m not going to be the primary care-giver and I didn’t want to be (Kirsty is made for that role) but I did want the experience of feeding them. It’s just all really hard right now, and I feel dreadful that our baby got himself into that state and I didn’t even notice. And angry at the catalogue of errors that meant that his feeding difficulties weren’t picked up on days before, by the trained professionals. What if I hadn’t managed to get a community midwife out that day? Would I have continued to mistake his starved exhaustion for newborn sleepiness? It frightens me to think about it.
I suppose that the bright side was that Kirsty was able to give them their first ever bottles (and those did contain my expressed breast milk). But I hadn’t wanted them to know bottles until I went back to work.
We hadn’t expected a three-day hospital stay so didn’t bring the big camera (or books or iPhone chargers or changes of clothes or anything useful, really) but I did have the GoPro and we did take some images whilst we were there. They’re very real. There is nipple. And breastpump. Don’t scroll down if such a thing offends you (and if you’re my mother’s work colleagues – hi, by the way! – she really would rather that you didn’t).
I expect that I’ll stop feeling like such a failure in time. It’s just been a really long few days.
It seems so weird seeing pictures without the belly! They are the sweetest thing and you must be so proud of those beautiful boys. Parenting is a lesson, and we can plan how things are going to go all we like, somehow nobody seems to tell our babies about it! You are giving those little guys the best possible start and you should be so proud.
And forgive yourself. I took Dylan to the doctors when he was 15 months thinking he had a cold, within 2 minutes the doctor turned to me and said ‘ he should be in hospital really, shouldn’t he’ and called us an ambulance. I felt like the worst parent in the world, I thought he was just cuddly and tired because he was ill. What really mattered was that he got the care he needed (we ended up being home that same night thank goodness) and your boys are being looked after. I hope you are all settled back home again now x
It sounds like you have had a really rough time of it and the staff on post natal sound pretty rubbish.
I’ve had readmissions with my first two babies. My third baby had a tongue tie which wasn’t picked up straight away. She’s now 4 months and feeding well, but it was one heck on a journey and I can’t imagine how difficult it would have been with another baby to care for.
Hopefully your GP will be understanding about the domperidone as that stuff really does rock!
oh your poor things – its so hard with just one newborn, I cant imagine it with 2! I wanted to feed Edward myself too and was devastated when at 2 weeks down the line realised it really wasn’t working out. I don’t know why we put so much pressure on ourselves with these things – when the main thing is that a happy mum makes a happy baby. You can read my breastfeeding nightmare I had with Arthur here if it helps
I intend to do a post on how feeding Edward went and share that too.
Like you, I also felt like a failure up until a week ago .., I don’t know why though. I tried my hardest to breastfeed for as long as I could and that shouldn’t be seen as failing. some people don’t give it a try. I’ve also since done loads of reading up on formula v breast studies (to try and make myself feel better haha). There are quite a few studies which show no difference in the health, physical, emotional or educational levels between breastfed and formula fed children. Formula isn’t poison as some would have us believe. For me, getting that first antibody filled milk into my babies was the most important thing – the milk after that is only shown to be easier to digest – it apparently doesn’t have anymore goodness than formula. I also think that the first few months are such a special time that go so quickly – i remember thinking with Arthur that I didn’t want to look back on that time and think ‘I didn’t enjoy that’ = as I said, happy mums = happy babies and so just do what ever you think will allow you to enjoy your gorgeous bundles the most right now – before you know it, you’ll blink and you’ll be packing them off to school.
You’ve done a fantastic job getting this far so please don’t beat yourself up xxx
p.s don’t tell anyone, but baby boys are the best 🙂
[…] and both we and the hospital missed it when he was born. When he was four days old we were all readmitted to hospital for a while as he had lost 11% of his bodyweight and become rather unwell. My supply never really […]